Hi Beautiful Souls??
I have been thinking of you and haven’t had many words to share.
I may have shared this before, it is one way that i calm my mind. I sit quietly and repeat this inwardly for a few minutes.
May all beings be safe ?
May all beings be healthy ?
May all Beings be happy ?
May all beings live with ease ?
I am sending you infinite LOVE and Light as we all navigate this time of social distancing.
As I wondered how I could help, I had this idea?AND
I created this 10 minute Yoga for Kids, A silly little Yoga Break, video.  May it bring some smiles and ease for all the kids at home. Let me introduce you to Scribbles, my clown self. This video is also a way to take a grown up break (Its only 10 minutes of silly)?
Yoga for Kids #1 Scribbles Silly little Yoga break
Feel free to share it !
I am creating a kids series for a small fee. Reach out if you’re interested.
Would you like me to create some Yoga for Grown Ups videos?
How are you staying centered?
